About Your Shoot

Boudoir photography is whatever you want it to be. From the romantic to the artistic, the bright and glamorous to the darkly sensual, there is no right or wrong style or technique. Really, anything goes!

Whether it’s a confidence boost, a surprise for a partner, or just for the experience, a boudoir photoshoot is the ultimate 'me' time. And remember - glamour is an attitude, not an age or dress size.

From the moment you arrive at the studio, the emphasis is on making you as comfortable and relaxed as possible. We allow two-hour slots per client (so four if you come with a friend) and your session always starts with a chat over a cuppa or a glass of wine. We'll go through any clothing and accessories you've brought to shoot with and talk through any ideas you may have.

The shoot will start with a few simple portraits to allow us to get to know you and to personalise the lighting for your colouring. It also gives you the opportunity to get settled into your shoot without having to worry about posing.

And from there ... we just make it up as we go along!

The most important thing is that you're comfortable throughout your shoot. At no time will you ever be asked to do anything you're uncomfortable with and everything you do will be because you've chosen to do it. Our greatest wish is to send you home with a great big grin and the memory of an enjoyable and empowering experience.

At the end of your shoot, we'll make a second appointment for you to view your pictures. At your viewing, we'll go though the images, look at crop and colour options and shortlist the pictures you'd like to buy as prints, canvas prints, books or digital images (or any combination).

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What should I bring?
A. Ideally, if you're not having the services of one of our Make-Up Artists, you should arrive with your hair and make already done. However, it's still helpful to bring a basic make-up kit to retouch as we go along, plus clips, spray, bobbles, etc. that you may want for your hair.

Please also feel free to bring any accessories or props that you'd like to include in your shoot. These can be literally anything: so far we've had items ranging from military uniforms to a favourite football shirt and a riding crop to a Harley-Davidson (yep - you read that right!)

Q. Do you provide outfits?
A. No, we don't. Lingerie is the most popular choice of attire for Boudoir and that's not something anyone would share. We do, however, keep a selection of props, accessories and fabrics to use during your shoot.

Q. Do you do hair and makeup?
A. Yes, we work with professional makeup artists, who come in as required. They are paid directly by the client and require a deposit of 50% paid with the booking.

Q. Will I get my pictures on the day?
A. No. After your shoot, we'll make a second appointment for you to return and view your pictures. During your viewing, you will be able to choose any pictures you may love and want to order as prints, canvas prints or digital images. Selected pictures are then edited and are usually ready in between 10 and 14 days.

Q. Can I view my pictures online instead of attending a viewing?
A. Yes, if a viewing isn't practical, we can post a private gallery online. However, we always encourage people to come in so we can look at cropping, colour options, etc.

Q. Can I bring a friend to my shoot?
A. Yes, you are very welcome to bring someone with you, whether it's for moral support or because they want to shoot too. Shoots with friends - up to four are welcome - are very enjoyable (and often seem to involve Prosecco)!

Q. Do I have to do nude photos?
A. Absolutely not! The level of nudity during your shoot is totally down to you and there is no pressure to do anything at all that you're not totally comfortable with. The shoot is for you and we do everything we can to make sure you enjoy the experience.

Q. Can I do nude photos?
A. Yes - the style of the shoot is entirely up to you and we are perfectly comfortable with nudity.
Q. Can I try some 50 Shades-style looks?
A. Yes - 'darker' style images can be awesome - and very sensual - and we have a number of props that you would be welcome to use.

Q. Do you shoot men?
A. Yes! The fellas are very welcome.

Q. Do you shoot couples?
A. Yes! As long as both partners are up for it, couple shoots are really fun and produce truly beautiful images.

Q. How much are additional pictures?
A. There is never any pressure to buy anything at all but any pictures that you love can be bought as prints, canvas prints and/or as digital images. You can download our pricelist at the link below. Please enquire about prices for photobooks and albums.
FMB prices 11.20.pdf

Facebook Reviews and recommendations - HERE
glamour is an attitude, not an age or dress size!